Friday, 27 February 2015

Dan's last day in School District 8

Well... after 28 years in District 8 I am writing this blog from my desk here at JVH for the last time. It was quite emotional this morning walking to school thinking about the literally hundreds of time I have walked to school. Usually as I walk  I try to notice the trees, the mountains and listen to the river while keeping perspective on the constantly encroaching thoughts about the staff meeting, or the budget, or the discipline issue.

This morning my mind would drift from the sound of the river to a hiring question for next week.... and then the realization that next week will no longer be my issue. Tokyo here we come!

Check our my last post on the JVH web-site about the surprise "tie day" organized for me today, my last day. Click here.

Here's to the next generation of tie wearers and good-bye to JVH!

Friday, 20 February 2015

Fabulous send-off by Jewett School... My other school

It's quite moving to be going around and saying goodbye to the work we have done for so many years. On Tuesday Jewett school had a lovely event to celebrate my time there. Tables with tablecloths were laid out, flowers on the table, lovely potluck food and a beautiful cake. Thanks to all who shared some very personal and meaningful comments: Dawn Lang and Jones and some of the students. Check out the photos.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Family Day appreciation

As we race to finish all of the details at each of our work sites it was a real pleasure to take time to pause and appreciate Family Day. We are blessed to have both Helene and Sarah and their partners Eric and Alexi within easy reach of Kalso. We took long walks (in the rain), we made fabulous food, we laughed and told stories and we watched videos about life in Tokyo.

Leaving so soon makes the time together that much more special. We value the family that grounds us as we head off for new adventures.