Thursday 8 December 2016

Another good year for BSCIS!

Another New Year is approaching here in Tokyo. Time for the school to celebrate with the annual New Year treat called Mochi, made from pounded rice that turns into an elastic mass that is then flavoured with sweet or savoury add-ons. 

All of the students are invited to the gym for a celebration hosted by the Student Council in their ceremonial tunics:

To make the celebration particularly sacred, Sumo wrestlers are invited to come and pound the rice. It is originally a little disconcerting to see such lightly clad men in a large group of very modestly uniformed girls... until you realize that this is their Sumo wrestling uniform. In Japan seeing them in the gym is just as exciting and evokes the same reaction as having a fully uniformed hockey player visit one of our BC schools. 

Part of the excitement is that each homeroom gets to have one girl go up and pound the rice. 

And of course teachers are invited to participate; how is my wood splitting swing?

The event wraps up with one of the highlights: getting your picture taken with the Sumo wrestlers. This gives you a comparison check on their massive size!

Having successfully completed another Mochi celebration, we look forward to another good year here in Tokyo at BSCIS. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm still looking forward to seeing you in one of those thongs, Dan!
